Shipping and Delivery

How much does shipping cost?

Shipping costs are displayed on the checkout page and are calculated based on weight, shipping method and destination.

How do I track my order?

Tracking information will be sent to the contact information you provide us. This will be sent via email/sms when your order has been fulfilled. For specific tracking details or if your delivery is late, you can contact the carrier directly for the most up-to-date information, including any carrier or regional delays.

Do you ship internationally?

We ship to most countries around the world. If we are unable to ship to your country, you will be notified at checkout and your purchase will be blocked.

Can I update my shipping address after I have ordered?

If you have incorrectly formatted or entered your address you will have to contact the respective carrier to reroute your order. We are not responsible for shipment to an incorrect address and after the order has been place you will need to contact the respective carrier.

Exchanges and Returns

Can I cancel or change my order?

Due to the nature of these products being made on demand, all sales are final. No returns, exchanges, or modifications to your order will be accommodated.

Does Your Store accept returns?

We do not accept returns as these products our made on demand.

Reporting a damaged product

In the rare event you received a damaged and/or incorrect product, please contact our customer service team at trevorarellano1@gmail.com.


What payment methods are accepted?

We accept all major credit and debit cards including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover. We also accept PayPal and other Shopify approved methods.

Is my payment secure?

Yes, your payment is secure. Our website uses the most up-to-date encryption through Shopify.

What currency is used?

All payments are processed in USD, although we may have a currency toggle available for your convenience. The currency displayed within the checkout process will be in USD, unless otherwise specified.

For any other questions

Please email: trevorarellano1@gmail.com with any additional questions